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Lime Pointing

Lime pointing is the process of removing the exposed portion of the mortar that bonds the brick or stone in a wall together, and replacing it with fresh lime mortar. This is often needed when a wall has deteriorated over time and the original mortar has weathered away, or when lime mortar has been replaced with cement and is now causing damp problems or cracking due to movement.

Lime mortar should always be used on any walls that do not have a cavity as it allows moisture to dry out through the mortar instead of the brick or stone which often leads to damp and frost damage called spalling. Modern buildings have a cavity between the inner and outer skin of the wall which is used to provide insulation and also to allow airflow to remove any moisture within a wall. Lime also allows for the movement that occurs in older walls and buildings which lack the very stable concrete foundations used today.

Lime pointing can also be mixed to match the existing pointing and I have a range of samples to allow me to match my lime pointing recipe to blend in with the existing lime pointing. As a rough guide the cost of lime pointing is usually around £70 per square meter but this is affected by how big the job is and how close it is to my house or my next job as I need to visit regularly to ensure the lime pointing dries slowly over the first 72 hours. You can also affect the price by raking out the joints yourself if you're on a budget.

Lime pointing when done right can last for over 50 years, resolve damp and structural problems as well as improving your home's curb appeal. It should also be noted that the cost of rebuilding boundary walls that fall down due to lack of maintenance is frankly staggering and may not be covered by your insurer if lack of maintenance is the identified cause. So please get in touch to arrange a quote.


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